Chembion is our OEM trade mark. We offer common molecular biology reagents, like nucleotides (including dNTPs), enzymes (hot start Taq polymerase, M-MuLV reverse transcriptase, T7 RNA Polymerase, Т4 DNA Ligase, Uracil-DNA Glycosylase), DNA ladders, mastermixes and some specialty products, mostly modified nucleotides.
All products are available in bulk (also as OEM) on very attractive conditions.
Chembion products are made to highest quality standards and priced quite competitively. They are widely used in Russia both for research and for manufacturing of IVD PCR kits. They are also sold as OEM to some European and US vendors.
Please browse our catalog for more information about individual products. Please ask us about bulk / OEM prices and for free evaluation samples.
Please contact us if you are interested in distribution of Chembion products.